That dreadful GCT !

GCT stands for glucose challenge test, it's the first test you take when you're pregnant between 24 to 28 weeks for detecting if you developed gestation diabetes. Last time I failed the 1 hour test and was then called to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) - in which 1 out of 4 of my readings was slightly higher. One needs 2/4 readings to be high to be classified as gestational diabetic. In my case, the doctor said that I should watch what I eat which didn't make enough sense to me as I had no idea what to watch ? I took an unofficial diabetes counselling class where they told me how to measure my carb intake and also set me up with a glucose meter where I had to poke my self several times a day. My night readings were always high, the rest of the day was just fine.

Anyways, after last time, I have been very skeptical about this time as they say that you have a 30-85% chance of developing it with the second baby if you've already had it before. And being myself, I always prepare myself for worse and worry weeks before the actual even so that I'm not so disappointed in the end. This is exactly what I'm doing now as I have my test on Friday. I have studied all the lunch places I normally eat at and have figured out what I can or can't eat. But with these preparations, I'm secretly hoping that I pass the test this time cause it's really frustrating not being able to eat what you want. Also what's frustrating is that I know a lot of people who just keep eating like crazy when they were pregnant but never had a sugar problem but me on the other hand who's had a very controlled diet will get into all sorts of sugar problems !! Why me ???

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